Many people engaged in small and medium enterprises in the developing world do not have adequate access to finance, which makes them vulnerable to shocks such as drought, illnesses, and price fluctuations. Financial instruments such as insurance, loans and lines of credit, add resilience to these unpredictable risks. IC Net help farmers and business owners strengthen management skills, fund-raising capacity, and link them with buyers and suppliers of good and services. IC Net also offers services to facilitate enabling environments for business to flourish, create jobs, and promote economic growth.

ICNet's Approach to Financial and Private Sector Development
Industrial Automation Technology Extension Project
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, 2012 – 2015
Needs Survey of Value Chains
Laos, Sri Lanka, and Rwanda, 2012-2013
One District One Product Pilot Project in Laos
Laos, 2009 – 2012
Microfinance for Livestock
Mongolia, 2003-2004